So there is this woman I’ve been talking to online for many hours every day for almost a week. It’s been really fun with her so far, and I genuinely felt it could go somewhere. However, I just caught her lying and when I called her out on it she pretended like she didn’t know what I was talking about. When I provided evidence of the lie, she confessed and apologized. I’m pretty angry at the fact she lied and maybe even angrier at the fact she pretended like she didn’t know what I was talking about. I don’t know what to do, I can’t think straight right now. Shall I cancel the date we have planned in a few days, or am I exaggerating about all this.

  1. Depends what she lied about, but that’s generally alarming. You’re not even dating yet and she lied and gaslit you.

    Not a good start.

  2. What was the lie?

    White lies are often socially acceptable and even expected.

    * *Coworker: How’s your day going?* (truth is he doesn’t care)
    * *You: OK* (truth is your was shitty but this guy is the last person you want to discuss it with)

    Other lies may fall into a gray area if they are about subjects that you haven’t earned her trust about. Her relationships with other people are a good example. You’ve been talking with her 1 week. The amount of trust you’ve earned in that week is almost nothing and anything of a sensitive nature she isn’t going to talk to you about because you could be a jerk and blab it all over the internet or uses it against her in some way. If some subjects come up, she isn’t going to tip you off that something juicy is below the surface, she will lie.

    What the lie was about matters.

  3. Yeah man don’t come here expecting us to choose sides if you’re not giving any context.

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