Where did your parents meet?

  1. In a friend’s living room, just down the street from where they live now.

    Good luck using that for my security questions.

  2. I once asked my dad where he met my mom, and he took 7 seasons to answer.

  3. Well my mom was walking down the street and my father pulled up and was like “hey do you want to go to an acid party?”

    Now my father was a known quantity – he was very distinctive, and despite him being 9 years her senior she sort-of-kind-of knew him?

    Her, being an adventurous 16 year old was totally down for the acid party with this dude she had seen around town, basically. They really hit it off, apparently, and started dating, then about a year later i was born.

    Additional funny story: The day of the wedding my mother was like “man i don’t know if i can do this” and her mother was like “we spent 300$ on lunch meat, youre doing this” and so they were married. It lasted about 3 years.

    The 1970’s were a wild, wild time.

  4. My dad was a cop, and at the time there was someone stalking and assaulting joggers.

    My mom was a jogger, so my dad would creep behind her in his cruiser while she jogged to see if she got assaulted. He apparently tauled several women joggers in such a manner, but he followed my mom the most.

    After about a week of following her while jogging he decided to do a little more research on her and eventually tracked her down to her place of work. He walked in and asked her out.

  5. They met while doing training for the Peace Corps back in the 70s.

    They got assigned to different countries but after getting back to the US, reconnected via mutual friends and started dating.

  6. My dad moved into the same building where my mom was living. I came 3 years later.

  7. In the army. They quit the army and got normal jobs after a few years though

  8. My moms dad and my fathers mom were actually childhood friends growing up and were even at each others weddings, so my parents have known each other since they were toddlers. Like we have pictures of them as like 1 year olds on camping trips with my grandparents. Around high school my dads family stayed in LA and my moms went down south towards San Diego but they always stayed in touch. My dad joined the military right out of high school and when he got out he pretty much came home and asked my mom out and they got together. Kinda cool actually

  9. My dad went on a double date with his partner from the police and two girls they knew from a car hire place near the station. They each got on better with the other’s date and ended up marrying them.

  10. Band Camp, LOL! No lie! My dad played the drums and my mother was in the color guard! My dad passed around his pillow on the bus ride up for everyone to sign his pillowcase, just so he could get my mom’s name!

  11. My dad was pumping gas at well….a gas station back in the late 70s / early 80s, some shit like that. They lasted till right after my freshman year of high school. The day my mom left my dad my whole life got turned upside down in an instant. Felt like the last little bit of my childhood got ripped way from me including the house I grew up in which I still miss to this day.

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