My girlfriend(19F) and I (20M) became exclusive at the very end of last summer. We go to colleges 4-5 hours away from each other but are from the same hometown which is where we met. We started officially dating on halloween 2022 and are in a long distance relationship.

Anyways, I am having a gut feeling that something is very off. It seems like her compliments and the romantic things she says to me are so in-genuine. My bull-shit detector just goes off every time she says things about how she deeply loves me. I can’t tell if im misinterpreting her or if there is a genuine problem. I wonder if she is only dating me to avoid lonliness

For more context, she kind of struggles with people pleasing. I also have had issues in the past with honesty and empty promises from my mother growing up and my ex. I am also kind of struggling with depression and low self-esteem at the moment. I wonder if these factors are influencing my perception.

I guess I can’t tell if i should trust this gut feeling or if im just having anxiety but it is really messing with me because I love her. I have talked to her about this and she promises up and down that im just having anxiety and that she loves me and no one else. For some reason, my mind percieves this as ingenuine as well.

I guess my main question would be: how do i tell if im having an intuition that i should trust or if its just anxiety/overthinking?

Any response would be much appreciated


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