Hi all.

Basically I was talking to someone for a good two months, starting in June of last year. We would talk all day, hang out, etc. At one point, I could feel him pulling away and we had a conversation to just be friends. This sort of stemmed from when I shared I had been previously married and actually ended it recently (start of last year). Since that point (probably August) we still talked, it was made clear I was still interested. He was aware of this, although it was not consistent like it was originally. We would talk and hang out. Well, finally I put pressure on the situation because I couldn’t do the back and forth any longer. I wanted it to be consistent. He would never give me a straight answer. “Can we see where it goes with no pressure, I’m not sure how I feel about the situation because you are still on good terms with your ex, I want to talk more but can’t guarantee where it will go, etc.” To me, this just seemed like okay, no pressure on it and I’ll show you that you can trust that my ex husband is an ex, etc. We would talk, hang out, flirt. We would hook up, never sex (weird, right?) although he had plenty of chances with that. Anyways, once I started to put pressure on it, he stated that he did not realize I had feelings for him and that he wasn’t looking for anything anymore. So of course, I was like, “How could you not realize I had feelings with all the conversations we have had? Why would you bother saying you were into me then?” Well, it was made clear that he was, in fact, not going to change his mind on the situation so I asked him what is it that I can do better on my end to grow as a person to prevent this in the future, etc. No response. This made me angry because at this point we have talked for months and I am not begging you to stick around, I am asking at what point did you decide you didn’t like me and what was it, just so I am aware. So I double texted and stated “It was a genuine question for myself to grow but okay thank you for answering, you won’t have to worry about me hitting you up first from this point on.” No response.

1. Is this not a valid question to ask? Would you not answer it to someone you were talking to for months on end? Does he have a valid reason not to respond to it?
2. If you are ignoring me and refuse to speak to me, why are you still following me on Instagram/ watching my stories? If I am annoying/ you don’t want to speak to me, which is obvious from you ignoring me, why wouldn’t you delete me?

Edit: Would just like to add that the final conversation probably happened about two weeks ago. I reached out two days ago to ask if he happened to ever think about reaching out/ happened to think of me. His response was “You know I am not an emotional person.” To which I responded to, yes I understand, I guess I was just hoping. He responded with “We have already talked about this.” and then I asked these questions. So it wasn’t like I was bombarding him – I don’t believe?

1 comment
  1. > Does he have a valid reason not to respond to it?

    It does not help himself. It may help his competition. Which is a mean way to look at it of course.

    Curiousity. Need not be suggestive of ever going further than that.

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