My ex and I broke up for almost a month. It was a sudden breaking up for me because he didn’t give me enough signals that he wanted to do that. As he’s in the busy phase of life so when he texted me less, I thought he just didn’t have enough time. And one day he suddenly told me to break up with the reason that he feels love faded gradually for him.

Anyhows, things got a bit complicated after that. I love him too much that I couldn’t really accept it. Hence, I keep texting, calling and seeing him. He also let me do that and he said it was because he still cares about me. Then few days after breaking up, he admitted that he tried to move on with another girl already. I hated him a lot and thought that I would never want to get back to him.

After few days blocking him, I realize I love him too much that I still want to see him and talk to him so I still do that. I know
I’m weak and I’m a fool but can’t help it. The things is whenever we meet up, I still feel like we love each other so much and drowned with happiness. He also told me that he realizes he loves me still but it’s too late already. Yet, we still agree to see each other like this despite knowing that he has a new gf. He’s such a jerk for doing that, I know, but I can’t stop myself from doing all of those things.

Now it seems like his new gf suspected smth. I feel bad for her yet I still love my ex. I don’t know what should I do next atm..

NB: Just to emphasize thay I still don’t want to get back to him for now.

  1. I really think that things are really raw for you right now. You know, on one level, that you should not see him and that basically things are over. On another level you cannot deny or get over your feelings for him. What should you do? I feel you really need to get some distance and perspective here. The best way to do that is to find a counsellor for you to work with. Things will be really hard for awhile. You will feel a sort of sick ache for your now ex BF. After a bit of time things will get a lot better and you will move on. Every good wish!

  2. How long were you together. Odds are she is a transit woman… one rarely simply meets their next great love immediately after being with someone they love.
    You have a few choices:
    1. Tell him you want to try again and he should simple stop seeing her and go back to you. Take it a bit slow at first… you need to rekindle the relationship.
    2. Simply go no contact. It’s a general reset but he will realize he should be with you… or not… and then make new choices.

    I hope it works out… but as long as you are in contact with him he will not realize what he is missing.

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