How to be a smooth talker? especially to women

  1. Practice, and learning how to find the audience that’s picking up what you’re putting down.

  2. Dude, don’t ask r/askmen for dating advice if you’re actually looking for detailed advice that isn’t delivered like an insult. In fact, don’t look on Reddit. It’s all PUA’s and obnoxious “gigachads”.

  3. Don’t take other people’s advice. Find what works for you, and practice it. Adopting someone else’s schtick is never going to come off as natural. PS, the guys you think of as “smooth talkers” probably aren’t especially charming. They’re just hot, and you don’t have to be especially good at flirting if you’re hot.

  4. I picked up a sales job and worked on my soft skills. I also applied what I learned from psychology, sociology, books, and public speakers when applicable in my life. You can’t just copy and paste what you learned from “x”. It has to be internalized and analyzed to fit your personality type. In the beginning it’s hard but over time you’ll see progress. It’s also important to find why you want to be a smooth talker. I started my path to have better communication for my future small business, also for my job, and to date women. I remember being nervous approaching people at conferences, women, and public speaking in general. Life’s like a rpg…..only way to get good at something is to practice 👌.

    I’d disagree about people not like a smooth talker. When I hear those words I think of a man that’s charismatic. A person that people are drawn too and feel relaxed around. The type of guy women want to sleep with and the one men want to be. There’s a difference between being a smooth talker and delivering empty promises or lying.

  5. Be funny. Women love a man that makes then laugh. My woman laughed at me when I took my pants off even more. Hahaha jp

  6. Flirt, tease and make her laugh. But at the same time, be authentic and be your true self. Women can easily tell when they’re talking with a bullshit artist. So ignore the guidance from PUA dudes on YouTube. Don’t try to be a ladies man like Leon Phelps.

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