is this a good text to send to a guy that has been bread crumbing me?

Hi! Hope you’re well, just wanted to reach out to say I think I’m going to step away from texting you. I’m getting off vibes from you and I barely ever hear from you. I don’t want to waste anymore of my time and effort. Hope you understand, take care!

  1. So this is either:
    – a text just to make you feel better; or
    – still hoping he will say “no no, that’s not what I meant at all, I really like you!”

    If you are still hoping for the second then don’t send the text (it’s unlikely to have this effect btw and you’d do better off just decreasing your investment and waiting to see if he comes back at some point).

    If it’s the first then I’d sound strong and less maybe.

    “Hi, hope you are well, just wanted to say I’m going to stop texting you. I’m getting off vibes from you and barely ever hear from you. I don’t want to waste anymore of my time and effort. Take care!”

    Much firmer text, drawing a good boundary and not pandering to his feelings “I think” “I hope you understand” etc…

  2. Tbh I wouldn’t bother at all. It may sound harsh but it would hurt even more if I sent that message and they ignored that too.

    I’d just go ahead and stop communicating with him. Just live your life, and see what happens

  3. If it’s just for you to get your own closure and move on, I would make the text shorter and try to sound less bothered. “Hey it’s been great getting to know you, but this isn’t the type of connection I’m looking for. Take care!”

  4. I understand the urge, but you don’t need to inform him you will no longer be texting him.

  5. I once thought like you & my therapist said, that I am showing them that I gave them some importance.. Which boosts their ego further. Instead just don’t communicate & if they text back, respond that you aren’t interested to pursue the communication further without ANY explanation. He already knows what he is doing..

  6. Don’t bother. I did that and he told me that he really likes me and wants us to be more than friends but then he ended up ghosting me for more than a month.

    Take it as a message from his behalf and don’t text him. If he really wants you, he’ll text you. If he’s avoiding to do that he’s either not interested or he has other interests that are more important than you.

  7. I sent something similar once and made a mistake explaining how it bothers me and he straight up gaslighted me saying ‘Yea, but I shouldnt have the power to make you feel that way’. I realised I am never going to get closure and replied ‘ You don’t anymore ‘. Would have been perfect had I ended it there, but then I told him how it doesn’t work that way and indifference hurts. And once again, he left me on read. They really are consistent with their inconsistency. Expect nothing in return and deliver a short cutting statement saying you are moving on from them.No need for explanations.

  8. i’d breadcrumb him back.

    “Hey this isn’t working for me”

    “What’s wrong”

    don’t respond. fuck him

  9. I think it’s fine. It gets you a sense of closure, which I find helpful. I’d shorten it to “hey, not getting enough interest from you so I’m moving on, take care”

  10. I wouldn’t even bother with the message unprompted. I get you are tired of guys being like this but you’re not teaching him a lesson this way. BUT if he hits you up say something like “Sorry but I barely ever heard from you and this felt like a waste of time. I moved on”

  11. It’s too up front and foreword. If you feel like he’s not giving you what you want, there’s no need for an explanation. It seems like there’s not enough decency on his side to communicate his intent towards you; meaning, any of your communication, moving forward, is going to fall upon deaf ears.

  12. If your interested just ask him to get coffee or grab drinks. If your not just tell him your not. He clearly isn’t understanding the signals so just be a little direct. If you ask him for coffee or drinks, he’s not going to take it as just being friends.

  13. Yes – spot on.

    You said exactly what you felt.
    Any ‘feelings’ from him now is not going to do the job.

    As a woman- there’s always another man waiting

  14. Don’t bother texting him. You’re putting too much thought & energy into someone who is not worth your time.

  15. No never send this don’t send anything just leave with silence and ignore him going forward

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