How often do you argue with your partner because they think you have to agree with their point of view in order to understand them?

  1. Me and my s.o pretty much agree on nothing, we’re not even in the same political party. We don’t force our beliefs on one another because we love and respect each other and realize we have our way of thinking.

  2. Once every few years, must be something really serious. Othen than that we’re together for 22 years and by trials and errors we found a way to live together.

  3. Maybe kinda once when we started dating until she realized I can understand yet disagree.

  4. Never. We’ve debated before, but we’ve never fought about it. We like the fact we have different points of views.

  5. I don’t.

    I have ditched partners for being so damn childish and ridiculous. It’s ok to agree to disagree on some things, the small things that don’t really matter, as long as you agree on the big important things.

  6. I don’t. As I aged, I moved from arguing to becoming more and more like Socrates (not just in looks). I simply ask them deeper and deeper questions and dismantle their argument, until they either understand their own illogic or get mad and walk away.

  7. I wouldn’t say argue, more agree to disagree, compromise and then be happy and move on

  8. I always say, “ I don’t have to be right, but I will have an opinion”. Some people don’t like robust opinions.

  9. Never. My partner and I can disagree but we never argue and we try to understand different points of view.

  10. A mature relationship where 2 people truly care for one another’s feelings already understand one another. It takes time…like years. My wife and I have arguments every once in a while, but its usually circumstantial and based on life’s trials thrown at us at random.

  11. Not quite argue, but in my last relationship we debated most things and it was one of the fulfilling parts of our relationship. I think it’s important to discuss points of views and see what your partners logical process is, and I do think it helps you understand them better.

    But I’ve also been with partners that can’t logically defend their thoughts past “that’s how I feel” and get way to defensive over an opinion. People with that personality trait I began to understand that I didn’t like to spend time with them.

  12. Generally, I think people cannot change each other minds, the argument is usually begins when people trying to make each other see their own point with you.

  13. We rarely argue in this “normal” understanding of the term. I am a very analytical person, if I think my point of view can be proven I go to sources that we can both respect and agree. If I think we should agree to disagree I would just stop arguing as it brings nothing but a crack in a relationship.

  14. Something that I have struggled with most of my life is the idea that if I sufficiently explain my position, then the other person will come to my way of thinking… because *of course* my conclusion is the one that makes sense, and I am always baffled when they still don’t agree with me.

  15. My wife and I disagree occasionally, the only time we have an argument it usually stems from a simple misunderstanding that is resolved in the 10minutes of talking about it.

  16. never..I known for being brutally honest..I like when people are with me,, But she hates it says I can be asshole some times for giving people for being honest ?

  17. Never. We can agree to disagree. We lived two separate lives for so long it wouldn’t make sense to agree on every single thing

  18. After 44 years of marriage, rarely, very rarely, I mean VERY rarely. Actually never. After this long, we understand each other pretty darn well.

  19. Never.

    We cherish that we are different, with different ideals and different points of view.

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