I’ve been married for a couple years now. My partner’s family is incredibly toxic. One person in particular has been disrespectful towards me for the entirety of our relationship. He often makes rude remarks and purposely tries to exclude me. Recently the disrespect has gotten worse and now he has recruited other family members and friends by playing the victim and trying to convince them I’m the problem. My partner says he hates “being in the middle” and doesn’t ever stand up for me. I’ve put up with this for years and I’m reaching a breaking point. I can’t stand the toxic family dynamic I married into and my partner does nothing to make me feel safe. I’ve tried setting boundaries & choosing not to attend certain family events for the sake of my sanity but now I’m being gossiped about by the entire family as the one “tearing the family apart”. What do I do? Should I leave?

  1. No one deserves that toxicity. If your partner won’t stand up for you, I wouldn’t stay. Maybe that’s overreacting but you said it’s been years of dealing with this

  2. Why does the family do that? Maybe it is as you say, or maybe you are doing things to trigger it. If they attack you out of the blue for no reason, leave him.

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