Men what is the masculine dream?

  1. Waking up in my secluded mountain cabin, beer and coffee for breakfast while I fish to catch lunch. Fresh fish and a fat blunt for lunch, then off to work my modest crops until sundown. Have my dinner of beans and rice and read my book as I drift off to sleep. Then repeat.

  2. Dying in battle with my brothers -OR- dying surrounded by loved ones and many grand children / great grandchildren in my bed on a very prosperous homestead.

  3. Last night I dreamed I bought my kid a military surplus rifle, but when he went to inspect it the sights projected a green laser that didn’t put a dot on the target, but rather one of those laser grid patterns on the whole object. When you pulled the trigger, the object evaporated instead of a round shooting at it.

    The guys at the range were like #WTF WAS THAT?!!!#

    I’m like, “It was surplus!!! They must have left something on the rifle they didn’t mean to!”

    That’s a pretty masculine dream.

  4. I had a pantsless dream the other night. I feel I handles it well. Is that a masculine dream?

  5. I have no idea what the hell a masculine dream is. Lol I don’t dream in general.

  6. Stereotypical hero stories. Defeating the huge beast that was terrorizing the community and feeding your family. Defeating the menace and getting the desire of women. Defeating your rivals and gaining respect of your peers. Yes we want to relax and have peace, but I think we feel our greatest if we’re constantly overcoming adversity and reaping the benefits of doing so.

  7. Not being overly concerned with fulfilling a stereotype of being “manly”

    Like, it’s insecure and super gay. Just be yourself.

  8. Waking up early to burndown the wood into hickory embers so you can start your slow smoker for dinner . perfection has a cost and its worth it.

  9. Crush your enemies. See them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.

  10. Get the woman you truly love, Get the Car you always want, Get a decent sized home, Get money not too poor but also not too rich, Have kids that adore you

  11. Wake up in my bed with 2 beautiful women in it, go work out until the sun rises, play a round of golf, go to work where I’m the boss of hundreds of people, after work, so to my box seats at the football game, take 2 of the cheerleaders home, repeat.

  12. Playing house with my dolls and toy house and kitchen.

    Always wanted to do that as a kid, but never could because I kept being told that was for girls.

  13. Alright so after you get done doing day trading or oil drilling, you hope into your jeep wrangler and drive up to the ranch. From there ride a horse through the American Midwest until the sunsets hits just right. On the way back you fight 3 bears, 2 mountain lions, and 1 communist. Back at the ranch you put the wood you chopped earlier into the fireplace. Rest your feet on the tiger you killed back during the war. Enjoy a cold glass of whisky with ice and open up your book about trains/submarines/European history and put on your favorite Tom Hanks movie.

    That, that is the masculine dream….that or being a good person. Either or.

  14. The ideal me I guess every man has a specific version of themselves they always want to be it’s always diffrent even if it’s the slightest difference some achieve it some get close some sont even start to become them

  15. I really want to build a cabin by hand, raise some pups, hunt my food, take on the harshest winter imaginable deep in the mountains, and do search and rescue as a part-time job.

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