Him and I have been together for nearly a year. We clicked instantly and were dating within the first week of meeting (yeah, I know…). About two months ago I started my weight loss journey and I’m changing a lot, both physically and mentally, very rapidly. Don’t get me wrong, I love my boyfriend. This is my first relationship and I’ve had my first kiss with and lost my virginity to him. I’ve aways been very clingy towards him but I feel like something changed. I just don’t feel th same about him. I don’t even know who I am right now, and I shouldn’t be in a relationship for the time being, but I can’t do it. I don’t want to hurt him. I’m crying while typing this. I don’t know what to do.

Tldr: I’m going through major physical and mental changes and I don’t think I love my boyfriend like I used to. I need to end things with him but I don’t know how.

  1. When you need to end a relationship, there is generally no way for the other person to not be hurt. The situation is going to hurt them no matter what you do. All you can do is handle it as kindly as possible. Which means not putting it off, being direct and clear that you are breaking up.

  2. Breakups are often quite difficult, even if you know it’s the right thing to do. You just have to know that it’s the right thing to do and pull the band-aid off. It will hurt both of you, but in the long run it would hurt you both more if you stayed in a relationship you knew wasn’t right for you any longer.

  3. Does he join you on your weight loss journey? Do you exercise together? This can be a huge bonding experience for you two. You can’t be on a path to bettering yourself while he sits on the couch eating potato chips. Not saying that’s what he’s doing, but if he is then your feelings totally make sense.

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