Your male friend starts flirting with you, your not interested but he’s good, what do you do?

  1. Tell him that I’m not interested and then put some distance into the friendship

  2. Straight up tell him that I’m not interested and hope for the best. You don’t want to give him false hope. But you have to be cautious cause some people don’t take the news too well and cut ties. Good luck, and don’t go inn unprepared.

  3. What does him being good have anything to do with it. Not interested is not interested. No is no.

  4. Tell him I’m not interested. He either figures out how to get over those feelings, or the friendship has to end so he won’t get hurt.

    You can’t force someone to love you no matter how good of a person you are.

  5. I tell him I’m not interested, and that’s that. It’s then up to him to take responsibility over his emotions, and decide whether he’s able to stay friends or needs to distance himself until he’s moved on.

  6. Well first of all is it friendly flirting or flirting with actual romantic intent because I don’t mind being flirty with friends just as long as we both know where we stand. If it’s serious I would just tell him I’m not interested.

  7. Well given the fact that I am not remotely available I would be extremely upset over him disrespecting both me and my SO in such a way and I would cut all contact with him immediately. If this would be out of character for him I might be concerned he’s mentally unwell.

  8. Has happened to me.

    Tell them I’m not interested, and suggest an available single friend.

    They’re still dating and we’ve become closer/better friends since.

  9. Depends on my mood. I’m not obligated to start a relationship with anyone if I don’t want to, but it’s always good to cuddle or kiss with someone handsome 😀

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