I had what I thought was a nice first date the other night. We’re both around 30. I didn’t hear from him the next day, so the following day I texted him a little joke from our conversation. He basically responded with a oh haha that’s funny and that was it. Safe to say he isn’t interested and I should move on, and not ask him to go out again?

  1. Could try being more direct. You’ll get closure one way or the other.

    But also what does your instinct tell you? How was the texting prior to the date? Was it like pulling teeth as it is now?

  2. well what else did you expect him to say lol. give him an open ended question or something the requires more engagement. all you can say to that joke is lol.

  3. ask him if hes down to meet up again. see what he says. if he says no, chapter closed. on to the next.

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