What makes you believe/not believe ‘to be a man is to be borderline evil’?

  1. I’ve seen some evil shit in my life. Men and women.
    Being a man has nothing to do with it.

    Even if they said “human”, only a tiny fraction of humanity is truly evil. This saying is incorrect, pessimistic, and shows a lack of understanding outside their own experience.

  2. Taken in the most charitable interpretation, it could mean something like “A good man should be capable of ‘evil’, but know when to exercise that ability.”


    Taken in the most uncharitable interpretation, it means that all men are (close enough to) evil and (insert misanthropic statement.)

  3. Sounds like misanthropic edgelord crap.

    Most folks are just folks, whatever their bits or identity may look like.

  4. Never heard a statement quite like this?

    BUT… I’m taking it as a man is (or is capable of) evil, but also has the ability to control it.

    For example, making hard decisions among others.
    Two core common ones is violence and sex.

    Men need to be well capable of committing violence and sex (evil), but a good man is in control of it and only acts on it when required (self defense and consenting sex).

    I assume this is what your statement alludes to?

  5. It’s something that boys who have trouble getting laid say to make themselves feel better about not getting laid.

  6. Complete bullshit. *I’m* evil, but it’s not because I’m a man. And we’ve all seen more than our fair share of evil women too. Are you sure this made-up saying isn’t supposed to be “To be **human**, is to be borderline evil”?

  7. Sounds like some shit religion says to make people feel guilty about being alive

  8. I know plenty of men who are no where close to being evil

    Thus, such an absurd statement can be promptly ignored

  9. Never heard that, but I think it has less to do with being “evil” and more about doing what needs to be done to ensure the safety and wellbeing of house and home. I’m guessing men have an easier time with that because we will take emotions out of the equation to do what needs doing. That, or a very scorned lover made the phrase.

  10. I’ve never heard that quote before, and I unfortunately failed to find any quote which could refer to something along these lines. If you have a source please provide us with one.

  11. Never heard anyone say this who wasn’t just generally delusional. Also I am a man and I’m very much not evil

  12. Are dudes capable of evil? Sure.
    Are dudes inherently evil? Nope.
    This this question weird? YEEEEEEP!

  13. Men should be capable and competent enough to be evil. The good man is the one who has those attributes but chooses not to be evil.

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