Last night my boyfriend (m21) and I (f22) were lying in bed watching tv when he fell asleep, I carried on watching tv cause it wasn’t late and he woke back up and came over to me and started rubbing me and fingering me so I started wanking him off and then I went under the covers and started to give him a blowjob but literally like 3 seconds in he pushes me off rolls over and goes back to sleep and doesn’t say a thing and this morning he’s perfectly fine as if he doesn’t even know what’s happened and goes off to work all happy, but I am stupid that it made me really upset and I just feel like he doesn’t want me sexually anymore?!

This has never happened before and I’m just worried that now it’s happened will it always happen now? Just need some advice
Thanks guys!

  1. He definitely could’ve been asleep. I actually do this relatively often to my wife.

    Or, he just wanted to please you with no reciprocation.

    I wouldn’t be concerned personally.

  2. Assuming something will always happen bc it happened once is extreme. Just relax and enjoy life.

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