I don’t know how to feel any better. I already apologized to her and shes assured me that she understands, and wants us to move past it. But I still feel guilty that I even accused her in the first place. She didn’t deserve what I said that night. I was drinking a good amount of alcohol that night, so much to the point that I feel like I lost my emotional control and got very territorial.

I even threw in her face that I booked a $800 spa trip for her and that she goes ahead of flirts with my best friend instead. I even asked her if she would give me the luxury of breaking up with me before she cheats on me if it gets to that point. I also mentioned I blocked 2 girls who tried reaching out to me. Screams trust issues. We’ve only been dating for 4 months 🙁

I love this girl, I mean it.

I want to make it right. I am very regretful that happened. Please, if someone can help me clear my mind, I would appreciate it. My previous relationship has clearly left me with trust issues.

Tl;dr: Was drinking and accused my girlfriend of flirting with my best friend. Feel guilty even after apologizing. Looking for advice.

  1. I think if you can throw down 800 bucks on a spa trip, you can probably throw a few bones at therapy or anger management class. If you’re trying to demonstrate you’re trying to change your habits… that’s a pretty good start.

    If that’s too expensive… get some self-help books and work on yourself in this area. And strongly reconsider your relationship with alcohol. If drinking is leading you to causing relationship-ending confrontations… you might want to tone it down. Not saying you’re an alcoholic who needs to go cold turkey. I myself learned many years ago that I’m a “2 drinks best, 3 drinks max” sort of guy and stuck with it.

  2. Dude you need to break up and work on yourself. All of this screams trust issues, control issues, maybe eventually abuse. You’ve only been dating 4 months and you are that in love? I don’t know man seems like a lot of red flags.

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