Hey everyone! My boyfriend and I have been discussing our kinks and I want to try being brattier. He’s had a bad experience with this in the past with a previous partner and he needs to know for sure when I’m being bratty vs. when I’m not so there’s no confusion.

How can I put on a bratty voice without it being cringey? How can I convey to him that I’m just being a brat and I want him to be a little aggressive and push me around and make me do what he wants in those moments? I want this to play into our daily life together without too much discussion needed before the play.

Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

  1. Make a code word or phrase or attach your bratty ness to an article of clothing (must be able to be seen visually).

    If you wear collars maybe pick out a specific collar when you are feeling bratty and put it on. Makes it easy to not miscommunicate your intention.

  2. Something like crossing your fingers or winking would work. Or something like stomping your foot or clasping your hands behind your back could make you seem even brattier while working as a signal to him. Just make sure it’s not something you do normally.

    And establish a safeword. Practice using it, even, so that you both feel comfortable with it. Then if he mis-reads a signal there’s a backup.

  3. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with ASKING. As a switch myself I often go from one role to another with partners and if I start to get bratty or resist they’ll literally just say “oh so you’re going to be a little brat?”

    The important thing is that you have a singular safe word or phrase that indicates “actually, no, you read that wrong I am not being a brat I mean what I’m saying” so that if its read incorrectly you have an “out” without breaking the mood. Because when I’m getting bratty and I’m asked I dont always want to admit it and say “yes” – but you must ALWAYS have a safe and clear way to say “NO!” – without it being the word “no” if your bratting takes on any CNC tones for when you actually mean STOP.

  4. You can use the stoplight safeword system. He can ask “What color?” whenever he’s unsure, and if you’re just being bratty you can say “green,” but if you’re actually mad/annoyed/pushing back at him, you can say “yellow” or “red.”

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