How do you feel about public proposals? Women who have actually been publicly proposed to, how do you feel the lack of privacy impacted the experience and your response, if at all?

  1. Very, very much not my thing. I’m an introvert and hate being the center of attention among people I don’t know well, let alone a crowd of literal strangers. Being put on the spot like that sounds like a nightmare.

  2. They’re fine if the person proposing knows that the answer will be a yes and if the one being proposed to would be comfortable with it happening in a public settings.

    My husband proposed in the restaurant bar where we first met, I found it sweet that he specifically chose that place, it being public didn’t bother me.

  3. Friend’s experience, she knew about it, helped in plan for it all, accepted the proposal and got the gifts and all. 2 years, they broke up and went on with other partners.

    So not really sure if I believe public proposals anymore.

  4. I think it’s super sweet as long as the proposer knows their partner loves public proposals and would love to have it happening to them, *and* both have discussed wanting to get married soon. People who put their SO on the spot is doing something manipulative, whether they intend to or not.

    I would personally not want to be proposed to in public.

  5. I’d honestly be wondering if this was a man I want to marry. If he knew so little about me that he’d make a public production out of an intimate moment…yeah, no. Just no.

  6. My bf at the time proposed at my bday party in front of everyone…I felt that I had no option but to say yes even though he was manipulative and not a nice person. We broke up shortly after but it was not pleasant when everyone thought we were happily getting married. Privately in a public place like at dinner or something could be very thoughtful but not public as in everyone is watching you

  7. I’m not a fan. I was proposed to downtown, in the middle of our city, and there was a ton of people around watching. After my partner at the time proposed, he turned around and took a massive bow to the crowd. Fast forward and we are not together anymore lol

  8. I utterly hate the idea. If anyone had ever proposed to me in public, it would have been an automatic no regardless of whether I wanted to marry him or not.

  9. I don’t like them. I think it’s cringy and I feel bad for anyone that it happens to, unless they really wanted it that way.

    I just don’t understand why everything has to be videoed, and made a public event. Some things are ok to keep private.

  10. Never been proposed yet, but my first reaction reading your question was like no nope nope nope. An intimate proposal where it is just us is more my thing.

  11. Public with a ton of people around is a big nope and would definitely make me have second thoughts. With that said, my now husband proposed downtown Milwaukee in a park when it was cold and raining. Not a soul around and it was beautiful 😃

  12. The only reason people propose publicly is cause they dont know the answer and want to use social pressure to force them to say yes to avoid a scene and humiliation.

    If someone proposed to me in public. Ild refuse. Cause how fucking dare they attempt to use social pressure to force me to say yes to avoid causing a scene and embarrassment.

    And if they dont know me well enough to know my feelings on this, there is no way in hell ild marry them.

  13. Super cringe. If someone proposed to me publicly, I would decline because they obviously do not know me.

  14. Definitely not for me, and my SO knew that. But I’m not the barometer for all women.

  15. My SO proposed in public but not by a crowd. We were the botanical gardens (where we had our first date) on a very dreary December day, we wandered outside to escape some of the crowds and he popped the question then. It was the best time and spot since he hid a bunch of rose petals in his pocket so he could toss them up when I said yes. After the hugs and kisses, a little train ride was going by for bringing kids to and from Santa and a woman shouted a congratulations. If there had been people around, I would have been very shy and self conscious during even though my answer wouldn’t have changed. It was nice to have that more private moment as he popped the question.

    Also to that woman who congratulated us, thank you ❤️

  16. Hell no and my partner knows that. If he did I’d know how little he listened to me

  17. If you are ready to propose marriage to someone, you either know them well enough to know if they are into public attention like that, or you dont know them well enough and shouldn’t be proposing. If my partner were to propose infront of anyone but my kid, i might just drop dead. I hate having that kind of attention on me

  18. They are so awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved. I don’t want to be put on the spot in front of a crowd of strangers who are expecting me to say yes.

    I want to have a private and intimate moment with my partner where we can share our feelings and thoughts without any pressure or judgment. Public proposals are just a way for people to show off and seek attention. They don’t respect the other person’s feelings or preferences. Women who have been publicly proposed to, I feel sorry for you. You must have felt trapped and coerced into saying yes, even if you had doubts or wanted to say no. You deserve better than that.

  19. I think it’s important to know the type of person that you are proposing too and definitely have a discussion about dream proposal.

    My ex proposed to me at Disneyland during the fireworks. I absolutely fucking loved it and felt like an absolute fucking princess. 10/10 would do it again

  20. I think it’s deeply inconsiderate unless the proposer is 100% certain the proposee wants that type of proposal and they’ve discussed marriage.

  21. Hate it. My husband did this. He planned for my whole family to come down to his moms house and she asked me to come over one day to help fix her tile and I said sure… I walk in and my mom dad sister brother niblings his mom dad sister everyone staring at me and my DH on his knee and all he said was “will you marry me?” And I said yes bc I do love him and then he asked why I didn’t cry??!! Lol ummmm bc everyone is looking and you didn’t say anything sweet? He also didn’t make sure I was showered and dressed nicely.. like I thought I was doing house work dude lol

    I did have a talk with him that while it was very sweet to invite everyone I do NOT like that. Marriage is for the couple not everyone else

  22. My husband proposed in public but no-one apart from our friends saw. It was the last night at a festival and we were watching a big firework show. I looked round at him and he was on one knee. It was honestly amazing. If loads of people had seen in a restaurant or something then I’d have died.

  23. I’d die of embarrassment, personally. Technically my husband did propose in a public place (a rooftop bar we like) but knew the whole “get down on one knee in public” thing is neither of our styles, so he just kind of discreetly slid the ring across the table and asked if I’d marry him. That was nice: It still felt private and personal.

  24. My ex proposed to me after I got off a plane…. In the fuckin airport. Then got mad I didn’t kiss him.
    It was so embarrassing…

  25. I was publicly proposed to – twice. I’m a massive extrovert and even then, it threw me off. I knew the proposals were likely to happen…but I had no clue it was going to happen in public if that makes sense. I can’t imagine how my introverted sisters must feel if and when their men propose to them publicly.

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