Using a throwaway for obvious reasons. Long story short, a coworker (26M) and I (25F) have feelings for each other that we both have admitted. We’ve known each other for a little over a year now and we’ve gotten to know each other quite well and share similar interests and have spent some time outside of work together too. Both of us, however, are concerned about us working together if this transpires into a relationship.

Here’s some important details to note too:

• Neither of us will be here long term. I only see myself here for another year and him the same.

• We are in different departments, and on the same level in terms of positions. With my position, there is no “moving up”.

• Our bosses are engaged (yes, you read that right). Basically, it’s not frowned upon if you have a relationship as long as you keep it professional. We are a small company.

I’d really like to see where things could go with him, and he thinks we’d be a good fit together. Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.

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