I have this coworker who has been going through a lot. I don’t really get the chance to have a personal conversation with them because of how schedules are. I believe this has led them to believe that I don’t like working with them and them saying some stuff to our boss. I don’t see myself working at my current place of employment for too long, but I was thinking about it and thought that it might be a good idea to ask them out for coffee. That way, we could finally talk and I could share some personal experiences with them so that they feel as though they aren’t alone. I’ve shared this idea and some say it would be good for them, but it could also go wrong for me.

Thoughts? Ideas? I’m not trying to put anyone in an awkward situation, I’m just trying to make the situation better.

1 comment
  1. I think that your heart is in the right place with wanting to ameliorate things, but consider: if whatever level of interaction you already have had with this person Led to them speaking to your mutual superior about your conduct? Connected to I will not be working there for much longer?

    To me her demeanor says Leave Me Alone. Again – You present the information with an implication that her general demeanor combined with negative interactions with you, led to her speaking with your superiors at work. People don’t do that for no reason, and I am not here to judge or assign guilt or blame, but do her actions sound like the actions of a person who believes that a thing can be smoothed over? That there Is a thing to smooth over?

    Again. Heart in the right place. But it sounds like this is not worth pursuing, and more than that there is a chance that pushing the issue could have further consequences.

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