Are my boundaries too strict?  Did I do something wrong?  Or is it he just wants what he wants and not willing to comfort me?

I thank you all of you in advance for reading this and giving me honest advice and thoughts.

We have been dating a month.  He(male47)is very touchy , and i don’t mind if he does not cross any lines below the belt if you know what I mean.

I (female54) am recovering from back surgery, which limits me from going out.  We clicked right away  after fb dating,  great conversations.

He came over to for a bit.  He keeps pressing for more and more, and i tell him i am not ready.  I lost a fiancee (male 56) over a year ago. He is with God.  I don’t want to jump into anything right away, but I don’t want to not try. 

This is what happened today he asked to come over after his plans with his daughter fell through.  BTW he always changes plans, and he has ideas and then things come up, long day at work, best friend needs help, his kid wantes to sleep over a different day bc kid wants to go to a party. 

So this happened today.

He texts me : “How about I come over after I leave here? we all go back to the bedroom and cuddle and things… It seems to me that we miss each other… What do you think ”

I wrote, ” I have to eat something I need to take my medicine. I’ve been on the phone with several people crying they needed support.  I need to chill.”

His answer: “I wanna lay with you and hold you and work on your back and kiss you and bond with you. ”

Mine:  conversation on phone, I need to eat. I want to chill out, and you are welcome to come over and watch tv and talk. 

He said okay I will come over.””

Then he texts 5 minutes: “I am sorry my expectation is higher than what you can give at the moment. I am just gonna stay to myself the rest of the day. Sorry you had a serious day. I am catching the light rail back down to  and see some people. Talk to you later. ”

AND nothing from him since 4 hours ago.

1 comment
  1. your boundaries are fine but he’s passive aggressive when he doesn’t get what he wants.

    you’re starting seeing that pattern. decide if you want to put up with it or not, in this 1-month old relationship where you’re already experiencing strong negative emotions and decisions from his part that leave you dissatisfied.

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