I can’t cum from physical intimacy. Starting from the beginning. I was in a catholic only boys school and didn’t have much interaction with girls(not that i didn’t have access to internet). I just got into college. I don’t know if i am conventionally attractive but i never had this many girls flirting with me and even asking me out. I although attracted to a few girls i wasn’t really in the mood to get into a relationship cause i believe it is a huge responsibility. Due to some tense family situations and my curiosity I ended up making out with a girl but i didn’t find kissing that magical or anything. We made out a few more times but it’s usually her who initiates kissing and i don’t know if kissing is actually very plain as compared to shown in movies or whether I’m doing a bad job but why does she want it again and again and not me. I couldn’t even cum when she gave me bj once or twice, even when she uses tongue or take it in. Today we went out and while showering together i had a little precum. But when we went to bed and kissed or when she gave me a hand job i couldn’t come. At first i couldn’t find her vagina but even when i did at thrust once or twice it was awkward and she said it was painful (was her first time), then we tried cowgirl but my thing couldn’t get hard enough to enter her vagina. Then she tried to give me bj but still doesn’t matter how much she tried with tongue and stuff i couldn’t cum. I was scared that something might be wrong so i masturbated while kissing her and i got really hard and came after a while. I don’t know but is it something related to porn though i only watch it once every 2-3 days and i can’t think of anything else. Am i just not that into physical intimacy and has it ever happened to you? Should I visit a doctor?
P.s. Sorry English is not my first language.

  1. You and your lady seem to potentially have different sex drives. I would cut out the porn and give the relationship time to see how it develops.

  2. Fear is the killer of sexual interest.

    You don’t mention condoms but absolutely you need to be using them. A fresh condom anytime it is removed.

    Porn is sure to be part of the issue.

    You are aware of the serious nature of a relationship and that is a huge stressor too.

    Take your time.

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