We (me:29M, her 32F) met at a speed dating event. As soon as she walked in, I felt them butterflies and knew that I wanted to talk to her. I noticed her accent and I started fluently speaking one of her native languages. She changed to Spanish, I also spoke in fluent Spanish. Turns out, we’re both polyglots and speak all but one language (Armenian which I don’t speak, and Japanese that she doesn’t). Went on date two, and it was as cute as a date can go! Date three is tomorrow! Very excited, taking it slow and enjoying my time.

Reason why I am writing this is because 3 years ago, my fiancé at the time cheated, and body shamed me. Destroyed me as a person to the point that I fell into a deep depression. Took years to get here, but I feel happy now with who I am. If this relationship works or not, I am happy and proud of myself. Don’t give up chaps! Fight for your self, head up high and continue searching for love when you feel ready!


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