When do you leave someone’s house, and why do some people refuse to be mature & honest about it? Ngl, I’ve purposefully overstayed my welcome because I wasn’t going to let rude awkwardness force me out when someone was to cowardly to just say they wanted me to leave. In my opinion, it’s extremely rude to “drop hints” & expect me to be a mind reader instead of being forthcoming.

Is there a reason for this? Is there a better way for each party to handle situations like this? I find them so annoying.

  1. Thank you for doing people the favour of not wanting to be around you in any setting.

  2. Different people have different means of communication, and in many places it’s considered rude to outright tell your guests to leave. You are basically ignoring unspoken social cues to piss off your own friends, while simultaneously NOT directly communicating to them what you are you doing to them. Why?

  3. This is a bit of a weird take. I’m the opposite of you, and I often jump way too quick to leave because I’m worried about causing offence by overstaying my welcome.
    Why do you want to purposefully piss people off? As others have pointed out, it can be rude to outright tell people to go home, so you are purposefully putting them in an awkward position for no reason.

    If it’s that you are struggling with reading cues for when to leave, I usually preplan before going to an event how long I’ll stay, so I don’t need to worry about reading the room on when things are wrapping up

  4. Look, there’s times this type of communication is genuinely offensive. But in this scenario? No it’s just you that’s offensive. You’re willingly overstaying just to try to make a jab at their communication and its RIDICULOUS.

    Also offensively passive aggressive

  5. You’re annoyed? You’re in someone else’s space and you’re annoyed because THEY aren’t “forthcoming” about when you should leave so you intentionally stay longer? Is “get the fuck out” forthcoming enough for you? Leeches like you give houseguests a bad name.

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