When was the last time you complimented another man on anything at all? What was the compliment & how did they react?

  1. I compliment men at work all the time. A guy gave a great presentation on Friday and I let him know it. Lots of people did.

  2. Told a guy in the gym that his shoulders are really coming along and I wanna be like him someday, he laughed and did the old humble “nah long way to go” but he thanked me, had a quick chat and I went back to do me next set

  3. Not too long ago. I told him “Nice job, you fucked it up but not as bad as when you tried to free hand bevels with a hack saw, so good job” he told me to suck his dick

  4. I ran into an old high school classmate at the gym the other day. We both make music and complimented each other’s songs. We both thanked each other.

  5. This happens pretty much daily in the UK.

    *Nice coat mate.*
    *Thanks pal, your boots look tasty.*
    *hah yeah they’re well solid, ta.*

  6. This afternoon I complimented a friend of my on getting a nice kill in Warzone

  7. Men don’t compliment other men. We roast and insult each other when we like another man.

  8. My best friend is working on losing weight and getting back into shape, we have a text thread going where we are always complimenting each other and encouraging each other at our respective gyms.
    Really, we need to normalize guys being complimentary to other guys, it shouldn’t be considered a weird thing

  9. Told my coworker that his new dixxon black flys flannel was nice and looked good on him.

  10. I said, “Nice shirt.”

    He said, “Thanks. You too.”

    We were wearing the same shirt.

  11. I work on a team of 12, 10 guys and 2 girls. I compliment them all the time, new haircuts, new tattoos, whatever it is. Many men are so compliment starved so shouting them out for even the smallest thing means the world to me and I hope it means something to them too.

  12. When skiing with a friend, I told him he has nice form. He’s a natural athlete and skis with a level of grace that I can never achieve.

    He was humble and said he felt like he was skiing poorly. He wasn’t.

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