So, I have made lots of new connections. Mostly this consist of people from same class, we have talked a little there and I felt we got along good. Then I message thema and if they wanna have a lunch.

Often it goes well, and people also seem to enjoy my company and say things like it was fun. But they rarely contact me again. Also, people never ask me for a lunch first.

Maybe I am the problem and people actually find me offputting/not nice enough to ask to see more often?

Maybe they are busy with their lifes?

Maybe they think do I like them? And don’t have courage to ask. Because sometimes I might be little cold, because I don’t want to come off as overly interested in them and “too much”. There is also my second problem: it starts to feel odd to make 90% of openings, like I am desperate and asking everyone, but none ones asks me.

Any tips?

1 comment
  1. Depends on how well and long you have known them before asking them to lunch. I have plenty of classmates in college who i get along with but if they asked me to lunch i would feel pressured

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