Started dating current boyfriend while on BC and stopped it this past year and found myself less attracted to his body type. I thought I would eventually adjust but it hasn’t. I really love him but idk it’s weird to feel this way and I think it’s affecting our sex life. Has anyone else gotten over this hurdle or experienced this? My libido has improved a lot after stopping BC but yeah just kind of awkward now about the loss of attraction part.

  1. It sounds like the issue was never BC but the feeling you had for him. Maybe the excitement and rush you once had was confused for attraction and now that you are off birth control and your hormones are adjusting your body is simply not under that rush/excitement. Maybe check your relationship or maybe talk with a therapist it might be more deep than you may think. BC can messed you up but attraction shouldn’t be the only factor. Just my opinion

  2. I have heard stories of women finding themselves attracted to different types of men after starting or stopping BC. I’m not sure there’s much you can do about it.

    Out of curiosity, what would you describe your BF’s body type as?

  3. I had the issue from the opposite side and from the opposite direction. My partner went on birth control and then after several months on it, I stopped smelling the same way to her despite no change in my bathing habits or the products I used to clean myself. Initially it went from a situation where she was strongly attracted to my scent to less attracted and then eventually to neutral about it, which was highly disappointing to her.

    We unfortunately never really reached the point of experimenting with stopping the BC or switching to a different one or different dosage, and while it wasn’t the sole reason why that relationship ended, decline in sexual attraction and desire was certainly a factor. Things may well have played out differently if we had known about options like the copper IUD, diaphragms and cervical caps, Fertility Awareness Methods, etc. Or even if we had been properly informed about that possible side effect.


    Not a whole lot you can do, though, if you’ve gotten off of hormonal BC. If there’s something he can physically do to change himself to become more attractive, that’s likely more reasonable than you going back onto BC just so you’re sexually attracted to him again. Otherwise, there’s a good chance that this relationship has run its course and you’re just lucky that you’ve figured it out ***before*** you decided to have children with him.

  4. Never heard of body types, but there are plenty of studies about women preferring more “masculine” faces when off BC

  5. I married my husband on birth control and had no sex drive. My attraction to him and my sex drive has only gone up since stopping. But it’s very possible.

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