For context, I have 3 dogs myself that lounge around all day in my backyard (bring them inside at night) and although they do bark every so often, it’s no where near what my neighbors annoying ass dog does. I’ve tried talking to them, I’ve called the cops, I’ve called animal control and as you probably guessed, nothing ever gets settled. It doesn’t let me sleep, it wakes me up hours before my alarm…I’m beyond frustrated at this point.

  1. I just pointed a floodlight at my neighbor’s bedroom window 24/7 so he and his wife can’t sleep either.

    Amazingly the dogs stopped barking constantly.

    My wife just told his wife about the woman who comes over when she goes to work so I think she might have just taken them an left though…

  2. >What would y’all do about your neighbors dog excessively barking?

    I got an automatic dog whistle gizmo off Amazon that looks like a birdhouse. When it hears (any) loud noise, it blows a dog whistle out it’s speakers. Magically it took only 2 days and haven’t heard a bark in months. LPT: get a rechargeable one or it’ll blow through batteries like an OG Gameboy.

  3. I had this problem, and I seriously thought about killing them. I even made rat poison meatballs. I couldn’t do it though, I think I just moved.

  4. Bring the dog into your backyard…give the neighbors a taste of how it feels.

  5. I would probably report it to the local authority and get them to check if the dog is being mistreated or neglected somehow. A dog should not / would not *want* to bark 24/7

  6. I knew a person who was a audio engineer once who during covid had to deal with a dog that constantly barked next to his apartment. So what he did was recorded and isolated the dog barking through his walls, put that through his speaker system, and angled the speaker system right up against the wall of the offending apartment so when the dog barked, the sound of it’s own barking would be amplified. Not loud enough to be dangerous to the dog but certainly loud enough for me to hear the dog make his own album out on the street.

    After a few days of that, the owners apparently got the message.

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