So this is a long one but I need advice on how to handle my thoughts on this situation
My best friend since school we are 25 now both female started dating a man a few years older than us about five years ago now I never particularly liked him and I know he never liked me but thats fine you dont have to like everyone in this world
And as their relationship progressed they soon moved away and got married and we kept in touch and when she fell pregnant she moved back to be closer to her mum and I was pleased to have my friend back
But once she had the baby she would come to me with their issues and me being me would tell her what I thought was just normal relationship problems (i already had a child and knew some arguments are normal) and what I didn’t think was acceptable
and I know this man started to hate me because she would come back from my house and have a bit more of a voice than she did when she left and I started to hate him even more because I honestly believed he was an emotional manipulator and preyed on what a good heart she had but at the end of the day it was her relationship and I kept what I thought of him to myself (mostly) but this man wouldn’t let her go for a shower or help around the house at all she payed for most expenses

After about a year she decided they needed a change and maybe the problems where having were because they only lived in a studio with a baby and if they were to move to where his parents lived they could afford a house which I totally understood and completely supported them doing
About 2 weeks after moving away she realised he wasnt changing and was still being so rude and unhelpful to her and she called me in tears ready to leave him but then a week later she learned she was pregnant again with twins her first was only 9 months old 😳 and she decided for the sake of her family to keep trying in the relationship which again I understood
over the next 2 years our contact slowly disappeared and I remember being sad and quite annoyed that she no longer answered my calls or text
I had my second child on the way and was getting on with my life one night when I was about 8 months pregnant I got a call from her in the middle of the night she said he had attacked her and I was not ready for the pictures she sent me her face had open wounds on it blood streaming down her face she had called the police and was fearing for her life still to this day she says he just snapped on a night out together and punched her over seven times in the face when she asked for her phone
I was shocked
Her family was there for her and moved her and her 3 kids back into our area she had to have surgery to fix her nose and eye socket within a week and she told us all the horrible things he had done previously like being pushed and spat on but he had never done anything like this before and she was done and never was going back
a month later she Un blocked him and started talking to him again she was scared to tell us at first but I understood that she need some closure but this didn’t end up as closure she continued talking to him every night and telling me she can’t just stop loving him and he ended up in prison for 3 months for what he did to her he’s just got out and she took her kids up to his mum’s house to be there when he got out and she’s been staying with him and it’s now super obvious that she just going to get back with him
I feel like iv said everything I can to her about how fucked it is iv said what if this was your daughter doing this and nothing seems to faze her
My question is is there anything I can do to help her or do I just have to sit her and watch her potentially get killed by this abusive asshole and I don’t even feel safe either with him around as he knows I gave her a voice when it came to them arguing I’d hate for him to start thinking I’m the problem and come for me when he can beat up his wife like that i dont want to leave her with only him by her side but i just dont want him anywere near to my life either what would you guys do?

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