I (F19) had a really good online friend, we had a sister-like relationship and we were really close, she even told me that she takes me more as a irl friends rather than online friend.

The reason we stopped talking to eachother was me.
When she found herself a boyfriend she spent more time with him and was also busy with life. And me not having any other friends, I just started to feel left out and jealous, and I was messaging her quite often asking to hang out or if Im the reason we don’t talk like we used to.
Then some time later I decided that it would be a great idea to tell her how I feel left out, and since then everything went downhill. We had fight because of that then she also talked about some other stuff that I was doing and she didn’t liked (I don’t really want to talk about it here, but I know I was the one who was wrong and know how annoying I was when I was doing that). After that we haven’t talked, I was trying to reach out to her so I could apologize but I ended up being blocked.

Few months later I was finally able to contact her and tell her that Im sorry for everything I did, she was kind of confused since I just came out of nowhere but from my point of view it seemed like she wasn’t mad at me anymore. I think like 2 months after that she messaged me and we talked about stuff like if nothing happened before and I was really happy but also confused. After that I sent her a message asking her if she would like to be friends again. The massage still shows “sent” but few days after I sent the message she messaged me again and we talked again and we even follow eachother on social media again. I tried to start a conversation too but it didn’t last long it was only two replies, and I really don’t know what to do and if this means that she wants to be friends again or not. Any help would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. It sounds like she is just busy with her life, for better or for worse. It’s pretty typical when someone gets a bf/gf or gets married, they spend a lot of time with them. Even more so if they eventually start a family/move in with them.

    I’m sorry your going through this, it sucks. I wouldn’ t try to force her, otherwise she will just be stressed because she doesn’t have as much time now. So even if she wanted to, she might not be able to.

    You can’t really change the way things are, sadly. All you can do is move on, and either accept her rarely being there, or just moving on completely. Friends come and go, and sometimes for a long time, it’s a part of life.

    Not a part of life I particularly like, but it’s just the way it turns out, as people enter different phases in their life. I wouldn’t burn any bridges though. She most likely has good memories of your friendship.

    I have friends I haven’t talked to in like a decade because we are just in completely different phases of life, and we’ve changed a lot, but we both hang onto the good memories, and who knows, maybe someday we will be brought together again, but maybe not also. I would try and find a friend who has time for you in their life. That’s what I had to do, find people who had time.

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