I’m in my 20s and would like to know.

I realised I’m super on health and have been sober of nicotine for 60+ days so I’m trying to prepare myself I guess

  1. Prioritize sleep, hydration and exercise; buy most all your food (whole foods) from outside isles of the grocery store; minimize or completely cut out alcohol; do not watch porn and exercise healthy/realistic NoFap; find a purpose in life and master it; avoid unrealistic and excessive debt; get good at fixing everything; do your best to understand women and exercise good “dick discipline”.

  2. Choose who you marry. That will be the most important decision of your life and will have the greatest impact to your physical and mental health later on.

  3. Take up Disc Golf, it might not be the most strenuous exercise but it’ll get you outside and active while having a lot of fun in the process. Unlike traditional golf it’s cheap because the vast majority of courses are free, it’s got a wonderful community who are open to new players so it’s a good way of also meeting people and if you learn it in your twenties it’ll bring you nearly a lifetime of enjoyment while helping you to keep in shape.

  4. Loose weight…..walk.

    See your doctors regularly.

    This little bit of effort will make all the difference in the world

  5. Lifting weights on a regular basis.

    My gym has some 60+ men who move better than most 30 year olds who never work out.

    They aren’t lifting a ton of weight or shredded, but they are consistent and still have a great quality of life

  6. * Always get 7-8 hours of GOOD sleep
    * Treat sleep apnea if you have it, helps with ^^^
    * Stop drinking alcohol
    * Work out
    * Eat sensibly. We all know what the bad food is. It’s not complicated.

  7. Not that much older than ya buuut

    -Being mindful. Know your limits in what you can or can’t do

    – practice *moderation* too many nofap losers on the internet. You wanna bust a nut, do it and move on. Stop wallowing in Post Nut clarity, it’s a normal function. Same thing for alcohol. A glass of whiskey or tequila won’t kill ya, but binge drinking every day and night definitely will.

    -Work out, but don’t make that your persona or you’ll be insufferableto be around.

    -Go to Therapy. It’s not a physical one, but it’ll help you know why you’re working out and keep your mentality stronger. So many men quit because they think that having the body = more attention.

  8. I call it the 70s diet.

    I eat real food that still looks like the original source.

    I avoid highly processed food and foods with added sugar or corn syrup.

    If it has ingredients that my grandma didn’t have in her kitchen I don’t buy it.

    No sodas or flavored waters.

    So basically fruits, veggies, whole grain bread, meats, and fermented foods like plain yogurt, miso, saur kraut, and kimchi for gut health. I sweeten the plain yogurt with fruit and a little honey or use it like sour cream.

    I exercise moderately and try to get good sleep.

    Drink only socially and don’t smoke.

    I never eat chips or Cheetos or Doritos. Those are designed to make you consume them quickly. I don’t know what they are adding to them but it’s very difficult to control how much you eat.

    Basically, anything with a brand-name I heavily scrutinize. That goes especially for store brands and generics. They often make them with cheaper ingredients to save money.

  9. Weights in circuit training works best for me since my 40s – 3 sets of 12-15 reps at each station at 50% – 70% of my max

    I don’t wanna get any bigger. just keep endurance and burn off intramuscular fat

  10. Cut out as much sugar as you possibly can. I’m mostly paleo now and I’ve Learned to fast it’s a much better way of eating and living.

  11. A lot of exercise. I would want to see the doctor more often, but currently living too far away from one.

  12. Eat a healthy diet with sufficient protein, lots of fruit/veg & healthy fats, and minimise processed crap & refined sugar

    Minimise alcohol & recreational drugs, and if you are an addictive type, abstain completely.

    Exercise – work on strength, mobility & cardiovascular conditioning.

    Meditate & practice mindfulness. Learn to not give a fuck about stuff that isn’t important or that you can’t control.

    Develop positive relationships with other people, and if you have a partner, make a conscious effort to have a good relationship with them. If they won’t do the same, walk away.

    Adopt a ‘growth mindset’. Recognise & own your mistakes, and learn from them.

    And, most importantly – don’t be a dick.

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