So I’m 33M and in a bit of a predicament after being dumped by my GF of 10 months 6 weeks ago whom I lived with in her place.

I’m now back living with my mother for the 3rd time, for various reasons since my early 20s.

I am finally thinking about purchasing my own home and I’m starting to wish I did this a decade ago because the UK housing market is currently dire and I will need to save for at least 18 months before I can even look into buying a house. I only earn about £27k a year, so renting a place would mean it would take several years to save for a deposit, but I’d have more dignity at least.

My main concern is that my age is getting on, and I was really hoping by now that I’d be settled down with a life partner. My last relationship was turbulent and unhappy towards the end and I’m realising I’m going to be 35/36 before I can even entertain the idea of dating and finding the right partner with age might get harder. Right now all I’m doing is working on myself, trying to get in shape and make new friends as I’m suffering from loneliness big time.

Has anyone else been at a crossroads like this? What advice would you give or what would you do in my position?

  1. 18mths isn’t that long to put you love life on the back burner for. Plus you can still be out making friends & enjoying life whilst still living with your mum & dad.

    I hope you do still pay your way while you live with your parents & not sponging off them.

  2. 18 months is really not that long. It’s not like you’ll find a new partner right away tomorrow, it might take a few months, and then you can date a few months until it gets really serious. So by that time, 18 months will pass and you can go buy your own place.

  3. The larger concern to me is that you’re 33 and making 27k pounds per year. Homeownership isn’t just about saving up for a deposit. You also need to start thinking about retirement.

  4. You can still date while living with your parents. It might just be slim pickings.

    It’s better to find someone when you have nothing than someone when you have everything.

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