forgive my english (not my 1st language)
so there’s this extremely attractive guy and i always knew he liked me and i liked him. we always talked formally but there was this event and we had to wear traditionals so he complimented me how beautiful i looked and also my figure and we got to know each other. it turned out we are a lot like each other and have the same values. after that he always talked to me in a flirtatious way and i also did some harmless flirting. when i saw him for the first time i just knew something would happen between the two of us and he said he felt the same when he saw me. we had secret crushes on each other. the girls fall for him and the guys fall for me and our mutual friends always sense the sexual tension between us. i even had intimate dreams about him a few times (all of this is just to give an idea about our relationship). so now we confessed our sexual desires towards each other and he proposed an idea of us being friends with benefits. i told him that I’ll consider it and we even sexted a bit 2-3 times after that. even if i reject it i know we won’t be able to resist and it would just happen bw us. i know the sex will be great but my experience of being friends with benefits with someone is not so good.
it bothers me somehow that we won’t have that connection after we break off our friends with benefits relationship. i know i just want more from this guy as we have a lot in common and maybe he would want some commitment from my side too. i don’t wanna pressurise him by confessing all of this because we both don’t want a relationship right now.
i just want him to fall for me (not just sexually) and i don’t know how to do that. i don’t wanna lower my values because of this because i don’t have a good past experience. please help and tell me whether i should be doing this with him or not

1 comment
  1. I’m going to be brutally honest… there is no way to convince someone who you are casually hooking up with to want more from you. They have to want that. FWB rarely turn into relationships, let alone healthy ones that last. FWB are best for casual sex and no emotional expectations

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