Does being able to make you laugh increase someone’s attractiveness? Why is it easy to laugh with someone you find attractive? What makes humor important in a partner?

  1. it indicates a certain degree of similarity in personality and sensibilities and worldview. a sign of simpatico

  2. I’m goofy so it was very important for me to find someone who is as goofy as I am, with a sense of humor, who likes to laugh. Plus laughing can make your face light up, your eyes sparkle (or red if you tear up – haha) and produce a nice toothy smile. That is always attractive. I tend to gravitate towards fun, silly, good natured people by default. My bf and I joke and laugh with each other daily. It’s just as important for our mental health as everything else. 😜

  3. General humor is a support-boost mechanic that develops an associative attachment in sight of the pleasure felt. It can also be seen as a supporting role when one’s mood is brought up by a joke, getting their mind off whatever made them sad.

    Certain types of rough yet playful humor displays dominance and fearlessness, which is a male-factor of attraction, though women can do much the same, but it doesn’t give off the same assertion.

    Overall, humor is used as a sensory tool (support/uplift), showcasing tool (showcasing your compatible personality and favorable attitudes) and is useful for sparking more engagement

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