I’ve been matching so many wonderful handsome men lately and it seems like almost all of them just want to text daily and flirt endlessly but not meet up. In some instances I have just been more straightforward and asked them out but always get an excuse , but they’ll continue being available all day to incessantly text and flirt and everything except hang out in person. What’s going on?

  1. Pretty much no balls or you scare them 🤷🏻‍♂️

    It probably grosses you out but you should start looking for older men to rock your world.

  2. Some people may just want the ego boost of having a girl to text, others might just be too busy to make plans at the moment, and some may want to know you better before making that next step. It’s not the same for everyone, but plenty of guys do want an in person meeting so I’m sure you’ll find someone!

  3. Girls aren’t the only ones who want the validation boost from a text buddy entertainer. Time wasters are time wasters. Tell them to shit or get off the pot. You’re not looking for a penpal.

  4. How much time are we talking about? Are they flirting a week or month? I like to meet asap because you can’t tell chemistry online.

  5. they’re cowards!

    jk i have no idea. i just know i hate the texting and messaging parts of dating.

  6. They don’t want to see you but they like the attention.

    They’re probably seeing other women while keeping you on the back burner.

  7. I tried to make a post about this today! I ghosted 3 guys this morning that I realized have been texting me all day every day for five days. I don’t even text with my friends that much. I have on my profile I’m looking for casual sex, not text buddies. It’s weird af.

  8. It may be that you are reaching for men who are simply not interested. They may enjoy the ego-boost of having some woman talk to them but not want to commit. It sounds like they are using you for NSA good feelings. I would get off dating apps entirely.

  9. I will go with money and sex. If they received an offer for sex, they would be right over. Dating costs money. Between getting used to less in person contact during the pandemic and having to spend money on dates, they are stringing out the texting phase.

  10. I’ve had this problem too. Actually wasted a couple months on a guy, and several weeks on others. I finally decided I’m not doing that anymore. I’m on a dating app to meet people IRL, not for a penpal. So I settled on a week, 2 max. To chat. If we haven’t got a date planned by then, I say I’m not feeling a connection and I move on

  11. Maybe you are reflecting your personal issues weather they are emotional, economically or physical right away, most guys are just waiting for any chance to bone like me for example lol Quit the foreplay and go straight for a one night stand w someone you really like, then you’ll be able to find out if some guys refrain from spending money on a date rather than a hook up

  12. I find that I’ve had great conversations that go on for days, sometimes weeks. Issue being, when it comes time to asking if they’d like to get dinner or coffee (insert any date here) that’s about the time they flake and inevitably fade away.

  13. They are either leaving you as an option and have something going currently they like more, too nervous to meetup, or they are bored and like the attention from a babe.

  14. It could be that they are worried about meeting and being let down because of how much they built it up in their head. It’s still not an excuse but that could be their mind set. If they don’t want to meet I would agree with just letting them go and moving on cuz you shouldn’t want someone who’s to scared to actually see you.

  15. Hmm when did I post this lol
    My life with women basically
    Always texting and never want to meet…

  16. Because their pictures are stock footage. They can only flirt as long as nobody knows they look like trolls.

  17. It’s not jest men I’ve been talking to no joke like 9 different women for the past month all of them flirt send pics talk about explicit stuff I ask if they wanna pull up and suddenly there so busy they can’t even find time to piss… meanwhile they still txting me. Got to the point I just started calling them out for being a douche bag and blocking them

  18. It’s either ego boost or catfish. Could easily be a random ugly dude who wants to feel like he has a gf and gets girls to engage with him by putting up a couple fake pics. It’s sad but happens a lot.

  19. Personally I think it’s because there are way too many bots, or fake accounts that say they are women in their area when they aren’t, and are most likely afraid of some kind of “me too” bull that could happen in person

  20. Emotionally cheating on gf or wife. They want to escape from their misery and play around with unsuspecting women who are trying to find a partner, but don’t want to physically cheat

    Or they have many choices and you are not at the top.

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