This is my first post here so I apologize but I’ll try to make this brief but detailed enough.

I (M30) started dating this girl (F28) since late 2020, when Covid was in full swing and things were shutting down. So I’ll preface this by saying most for our time together was during Covid when half the places were closed. Our activities mostly consisted of going out to eat, coffee shops, and occasionally visiting parks and such. We did travel the country from time to time, half of those times were with her parents in tow.

But now that things are opening up here and around the world, I’m realizing things I didn’t notice before about her. She has some friends but hardly hangs out with them. I only met her friends each about 1 time in the span of 2 years. I overheard that her friends often invited her on group travel trips but she always declined because she didn’t like the messiness of organization when traveling with a group of friends.

Moreover we have way different levels of activity. I’m super active and like group sports or solo spots. She prefers to sleep in, eat and go to coffee shops as a big introvert, where I myself am partly introverted but I love going to happening places, I jog every morning, I go to the gym 3-4x per week, and I like trying new things. (I’m excited to surf this year and try wind surfing even!). On the other hand she doesn’t have an interest in doing those things, doesn’t play any sports, doesn’t care to exercise much, can’t swim or want to surf or skateboard or much. And importantly she is not motivated to learn. I would have to push her a lot and that’s not my style nor do I feel good about making someone do things they’re not interested in themselves.

That said, we do have a good time together just the two of us. She’s calm and comforting to be around but it now hit me that I need a solid friend group and to go out more as restrictions lift.

So I hope I’m explaining enough.

My (30M) gf (28F) is more of a quiet homebody that doesn’t hang out with other friends often and isn’t into a more active lifestyle that I am looking for. We’ve dated all during lock down so this is why I haven’t realized this until lately. But we do enjoy each other’s company, but I’m feeling more like we may have different ideas of what is “fun”.

  1. Your interests don’t need to be her interests. You can like different things and still be a couple.

  2. I get that. My ex of 20+ years is a homebody. It gets very lonely if you’re the only person going out to do things, while all your friends are in couples having fun together. While you can love someone very different from you for a long time, it pays to think about what you have in common if you aim to grow together. Or to talk about what compromises you can make.

  3. Find friends to do the activities with that she doesn’t enjoy. If you both compromise a little, and move out of your comfort zones occasionally, it shouldn’t be an issue, if your private life feels good and you mesh on a personal level.

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