So idk yet my sexual orientation Since im a virgin, but, I find men to have better body, but have no interest in sex, on the other hand I do want to have sex with a girl, and I constsntly masturbate until cum to straight or even lesbian porn sometimes..
Im a 26 yo male and confused. why even if I found a men with better body, I only have interest to have sex with girls and masturbate mostly watching straight porn and wanting to be the guy with the girl. I’ve watched gay porn and penises, and I am not interested in being near a penis.

  1. Sexuality exists across a spectrum, and there is not really much of a benefit of defining it. You should simply be open to new experiences, and through trial and error find what you like and don’t like. You don’t ever need to use the term gay, straight, bisexual (etc, there are many many sexuality definitions) to have a successful relationship(s)

    You are at a point which can cause some confusion. And that is that your fantasies, and your reality potentially don’t match up. Don’t worry this is perfectly normal. Fantasy is just that fantasy. What you envision when you masturbate, or what can cause a short term arousal, doesn’t need to impact your sexuality. People often find when they act out some of their fantasies, at least some of them aren’t actually appealing. Which further shows how your actions define your sexuality, but your fantasy doesn’t really.

    If you want a useless definition. Sounds like you’re straight, and have some fantasies that delve into more of a bisexual realm. Based upon your attractions you should probably date women first. But again I am even hesitant to write the last part, because it does not really add any value. Just in the moment date who you want to date, have sex who you want to have sex with, and be open to not labelling your sexuality.

  2. The categories “gay” and “straight” are really only approximations that don’t fully capture the full diversity of human attraction and sexuality. Lots of people who round themselves up to straight like certain aspects of same-gendered bodies, and vice versa. Some people might think of themselves as straightish or gayish, or just bisexual/pansexual.

    It’s not really all that important what label you attach to yourself, so long as you know what partners you want to be with and feel comfortable pursuing them.

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