I’m tired of being afraid and letting the fear cause me to self sabotage potential relationships. I’m afraid of pretty much every aspect because I’ve never been in a relationship and I don’t want to mess things up, or be put in uncomfortable situations.

Any tips on how to work through anxiety over relationships as you go through them?

I want to get back into dating but I just want to make sure I’m ready, and have the tools to overcome any obstacles.

1 comment
  1. I know this is going to sound generic as hell, but I think the only way to get past it is to start being comfortable and open about the way you feel, about yourself and about dating as a whole.

    The more you accept who you are the easier it is to let other people in imo. Don’t rush into stuff and don’t try to force it. The more you try to force things the less likely it’ll workout. Be open and honest is my advice.

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