Some men schedule a fight to dish out what ever issue they had with one another and shake hands afterwards. How did it feel?

  1. I mean that’s how fights back in day went. You fought, made up, and became friends. Literally every story I’ve heard from old men. Then they complain why modern men/boys are a bunch of weaklings and etc… To me I feel the same I would put it past us and be friends.

  2. Imo some people do not deserve respect or the symbol of it through shaking hands. For example, when the other party is in the wrong fights (verbal or physical) then tries to hand shake it as closure. I hate that feeling and would not offer it.

    You were in the wrong when confronted for trying to steal something and pretend to man up by shaking it out? No way

    You were being a creep at the bar or too aggressive and want to pretend like a good man when called out? Not a chance.

    The list goes on and on…

  3. If you’ve never fought a man, you don’t really know him. Interestingly, fighting can be the grounds for a strong friendship.

  4. Only been in one fight, don’t know if I would even call it that. You ever hear of when someone sees red and they lose it. I was at a bar with the wife. She was coming back from the bathroom and some dude grabbed her ass while making eye contact with me. I totally lost it, beat this guy bad. Guy really didn’t have a chance, I was out of my chair and on top of him so fast. No we did not become friends.

  5. If some dude is resorting to fisticuffs, he can go fuck himself.

    That’s some Stone Age philosophy where guys resort to that to work out issues.

  6. It’s an adolescent thing. If it is a real fight then one of you should not is in any condition to shake hands.

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