Can be for any reason, drifting apart, a falling out, long distance. And I’m talking about the people you considered your best friend.

  1. You feel your emotions and move on. Emotions come and go, and mourning the loss of a person who is still alive can be so rough.. however, in the end you’ll be stronger for it

  2. Well, mine was more of an abrupt nasty end to a 15ish year friendship.

    I listened to a lot of Taylor Swift and thought long and hard about it. I thought about who I was when we met, who we are now and realized that maybe we had grown apart and in two different places. The ending wasn’t my idea, but it also was the best thing for me because I would have stuck by her through anything and I don’t think that would have been a good thing for me.

    I also leaned into other friends and have gotten closer to others. I’m much happier now, so I know I made the right decision.

  3. For me, it was grief, almost as if she’d died. I spent a lot of time going over and over the events leading up to it, going through a range of emotions from anger and guilt to grief, and finally moving on. She was my closest friend but when good things happened to me she was jealous, competitive and unsupportive. She just couldn’t get past those things to truly be my friend and I had to step away. It taught me a lesson about being too close to one person – sharing everything with them can backfire so badly.

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