For context, it happened at a friend gathering, we were all sat in the living room, some chatting amongst themselves while we were waiting for the food to arrive. The friend that sat next to me on the couch just randomly says “you’re so quiet and boring to be next to, I’m gonna go somewhere else” and then walks off, even though she also never initiated any convo with me. At the moment, it honestly made me feel like shit. While I am naturally quiet/shy, I thought it was unwarranted.

Anyone else experienced something similar?

  1. She isn’t a friend.

    Regardless, are you boring to be around? Do you feel she’s correct? I get the feeling that you’re not sure.

  2. Wow that’s honestly so rude! If I overheard someone say that I would laugh in their face and take their spot on the couch to hang out with you. That’s just so unnecessary and mean I’d want to hug you 🥺

  3. I hate these kind of people. I had a popular classmate who said the same thing to me at the first day of class. At that point, I was already recovering from my social anxiety and think to myself that I would never say the same to someone else with Social anxiety. So I figured out day one of class that I shouldn’t waste my time making efforts to make him my friend.

    If you’re bored, you should either make the conversation entertaining yourself or just walk away and not say something rude.

  4. Even in your few words, one can see the reason she said this.

    This person never initiated convo with you, and likely is the same with other people. Her method is to try and get other people to entertain her, to fill in for her own lack of an interesting external (or internal) dialogue.

    Not only is what she said to you rude, but it was a blatant attempt at manipulation. She has done this to other people before that you don’t know about. To her it is like planting seeds, some of which will sprout in that person trying harder to entertain her later.

    The kind of person who thinks like this is more than rude, they are dangerous. Watch out for her.

  5. I would feel bad and realize it’s probably best to stay away from them since they don’t like it around me.

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