How do you form friends with a girl you like?

  1. Make it clear what you’re after, friendship, or relationship. If you’re not fussed about being friendzoned, then just approach her normally and don’t keep praising her frequently.

    If you want a relationship, then you have to make it clear from the start that you are attracted to her.

    If she’s already in a relationship, then make it clear you like her, but don’t make her uncomfortable and only interact with her if she contacts you first = less chance of cheating

  2. Never try to build a relationship through a friendship. That’s a waste of time, she’ll always see you as a friend. There are only very few examples where friends actually did become a functioning couple. If you like her romantically, just invite her to dinner and see if she’s interested in you too

  3. I did this about a year ago and now we’re really close friends. I was worried that she would have thought I wanted something more. Early on I said to her that “It’s so nice to find someone that I can just be friends with and doesn’t want anything more”. Worked for me.

  4. This is rarely a successful strategy. To build excitement and desire in a woman, you have to inspire her to feel strong feelings.

    The easiest way to do this is by displaying strength and confidence, and the best tool for this is straightforward (and charming) honesty and directness.

    “I enjoy your company, and I’d like to get to know you better. Join me at [specific place] at [day and time] for a drink/coffee, so that we can get started. What do you say?”

    Communicate to her in terms that make it very clear that she is being invited to accept or reject an invitation. Somewhat counter-intuitively, the easier you make rejection, the higher the odds that she’ll accept.

    Uncommon confidence, generates uncommon attraction. Trying to backdoor your way into friendship/romance will communicate fear, she’ll see it for what it is, and it will kill her interest and attraction.

    Good luck!

  5. The best thing you can do is make your intentions known from the start and respect it if she’s not interested. If you want more than friendship, don’t offer friendship.

    The worst thing you can do is try to form a friendship with someone that you’re interested in in the hopes of is blossoming into something more. You’ll end up in the friend zone feeling resentful and she’ll feel like the friendship was fake.

    It’s much easier to turn a lover into girlfriend than it is a friend into a girlfriend so focus on dating her and becoming her lover, not her friend.

  6. Don’t. If you have other agenda with her why not just tell her. Women are known to be friendly but given the fact the u like her u might misunderstood on how she treats u.

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