I’ve heard of it, and I remember seeing ads years ago, but is it legit? Has anyone ever met a lasting friend or friend group?

It’s been more than two years since my friend group dismantled, and I work a ton, like too much, and am struggling to find anything organically. But the absence has left me feeling unfulfilled and just basically starving for companionship.

Any wisdom or anecdotes welcome.

  1. I gave it a chance for about two weeks and it was pretty much full of inactive users or user plugging their instagrams/snapchats/twitters. I deleted my account. I wish you luck on your endeavor of finding something organically.

  2. So I’ve used it, and my friend has used it as well. Both of us has gotten one friend out of it each, lol, but that’s not necessarily a commentary on the app itself. Maybe more about the actual nature of friendship.

    We’re both the type to like digging a little deeper into our friendships, taking it one friend at a time, taking the time to decide if they are the kind of friend we are looking for, and solidifying that friendship before moving on and adding another, for example. Luckily, things have been overall going well, so we’ve all met up with each other and we’re working on the group part. To put it in perspective, it’s taken over a year to get to this point! We all work or study or have things going on, but we’ve made time for each other to nurture our friendships.

    It does take time and effort, and I do need to be in the right headspace for it. The numbers can be overwhelming, and I had to decide realistically if our interests and values aligned, if we were looking for the same things in a friendship. I didn’t want just brunch buddies or people to take Insta pictures with (nothing wrong with that, I personally just had different interests) so it did take a lot of sifting, but I do think there are people who legitimately want to find meaningful friendships.

    TL;DR: I think Bumble BFF is a decent tool to help you find and connect with people. It will ultimately take time and effort on your part as well as on the other party’s part, communication, honesty, and time to make things work, and sometimes, it doesn’t work out.

    Wish you the best of luck in your search!

  3. Throwing out there that many people who use it likely struggle to make friends irl, and oftentimes for glaring reasons (too self centered, complete disinterest/inability to carry conversation, etc). Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t hit it off with a few (or a bunch) of users because they may fall in this category.

    The people on there you’ll have most luck with are those who are new to the city or who work remotely.

  4. Gay people kept trying to hit on me, other then that some men and woman i just had a chat with and that was it. But yeah the amount of gay people on there trying to convince straight men was annoying. Good way for men to learn how woman experience dating apps i suppose.

    Oh I was new in town and ended up making way more friends via collegues inviting me to parties with more likeminded people with who I can swap phonenumbers.

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