Let’s imagine a couple scenarios in maybe a pub or social situation.

Someone I know comes up to say hi and I say hi and then say “have a seat if you want”, is it a bad thing to say “if you want”, as in it discounting the invitation I’m giving for them to come sit with me or is it seen as a polite gesture that implies I’m not forcing them to?

I get to know someone and find them interesting, let’s say they share the same passion for my main interest. I’m interested in staying in touch and making a friend. I offer my social media and I say “here’s my social media if you want it”. Once again is this discounting the offer or a polite gesture.

Thanks for reading!

  1. Well either way if they want to take a seat they’ll do so when you ask either way . If you say “take a seat or “come over “ it might be more uncomfortable for people who don’t actually want to .

  2. Why don’t you just phrase it as…
    Would to like to take have a seat with me?


    Could we add each other in social media?

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