What do you find the sexiest thing about yourself that attracts the opposite sex?

  1. >What do you find the sexiest thing about yourself that attracts the opposite sex?


    You know how some people say they’re chick magnets? Well I’m 100% pure pussy repellent.

    In my entire life, only 2 girls ever showed interest in me- they’re both lesbians now, for real.

    I literally have the power to turn straight women gay.

  2. Honestly don’t understand why girls occasionally find me attractive, or any other man for that matter.

  3. Probably humor. Specifically my ability to laugh at myself.

    I am also quite shy, which some women might find cute and attractive, but I myself want to change and improve and become more confident socially.

  4. I’ve put a lot of work into managing anger, being patient, and listening before reacting. I’m often praised for being easy to talk to, personable, a calming presence.

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