Hello everyone, I have a question, I am 22 years old, I am a woman and sometimes I feel that I am very pushy, quiet, I am not very loving or talkative, if they don’t talk to me I don’t talk to them, but I don’t know, I feel that I should do a change so more good things happen to me… should I start being more loving with my boyfriend for example, my family? Sometimes I have fights with my boyfriend because of my way of being, I get angry over nonsense and after I calm down I think, was the discussion really worth it? My mom has also come to tell me, “sometimes I don’t even go near you because I ask you something and you get angry”, but I don’t know why I’m like that… I don’t know if I should go to therapy or start “fake it till I make it” just to be kinder.. or continue like this, cause I’ve heard that being too nice is not good so i don’t know!!

  1. I am always the problem. Getting to that point of self acceptance changed my life. Taylor Swift knows what I am talking about.

  2. We’re all sometimes the problem. But the answer is yes, we should also all be looking for ways to improve ourselves. For you that means being nicer, and trying to understand with empathy what other people are saying so you don’t jump right to subjective anger.

    Being too nice is indeed a problem for a lot of people, but let’s face it, this is not something you need to worry about. Assertiveness without pushiness, standing up for yourself with aggression, these are possible things. Balance is everything.

    Plus, I think we both know that when your boyfriend AND your mom agree on something, that is something to pay attention to. 😉

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