Guys idk if I’m wrong? I totally could be. My partner is F25 and has a group of 5 girlfriends since elementary school. They’ve started to talk badly about me (F23) to the other members of the group; twisted truths and half truths that are making the other group members message F25 saying “F23 needs ADHD meds, are they in therapy? Are you sure you want this? Are you even happy?” And at first I was met with F25s response being “not okay for them to talk about you like that” “I don’t even want to be friends with them anymore” etc etc. but now they are constantly making friends with this group of people! It feels like physically going out of their way to continue to hangout with these people. And I’m incredibly hurt. I don’t know what to do going forward. I don’t want to change F25, I don’t want to isolate them and make them feel alone, but I also don’t want to be bullied by these people anymore. It’s so draining on my mental and physical health. And it’s causing issues between us.

1 comment
  1. I think what you can do best is confront the whole situation.

    Get everyone together.
    Let them know it is a serious conversation.

    Tell them what it is you are seeing. How that behaviour makes you feel.
    Correct them on any miss truths.
    Let them know that if they have questions they can contact you personally.

    That you hope that this was a one time incident and won’t happen again.

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