A few months ago I (24F) went on 2-3 dates with a mutual friend (27M). During this time I stayed over at his house once but we never had sex. I was very drunk and have a foggy recollection of this night (this is important to remember). I didn’t feel a “spark” and told him I enjoyed our friendship but was not interested in pursuing a relationship with him. This was about 3 months ago.
We still see each other often as we have a large amount of mutual friends and every time I see him it’s very awkward. I typically see him at parties/events where drinking is involved. I know through the grapevine that he was really interested in me and that me calling it off hurt him. I feel bad but I can’t force a connection. Anyway, everytime I See him he ends up sulking at first and then getting drunk and being too touchy and in my space to the point where other people can see how visibly uncomfortable I am. I’ve told him that him touching me and getting in my space makes me uncomfortable and he’s apologized but it still happens. If I remove myself from his proximity it’s fine for a few mins until he inevitably comes up to me again. He also is very territorial of me and if I speak to another guy at a bar/party he will come up to us or he will sulk in the corner. This has happened several times. Despite me and all of our friends telling him I’m not interested, he just does not seem to get the hint. I also recently found out that he told our friend that we did have sex the night I stayed over. This upset me because it’s a weird thing to lie about but also because I was very intoxicated that night and now I’m worried that we did and I don’t remember it. I don’t know if I should ask him about this.
How can I go about telling him to basically stay away from me and that he makes me uncomfortable? I am not a mean person and I do (did?) enjoy him as a friend but his actions have recently been too much.

TL;DR: how do I tell my friend he makes me uncomfortable?

1 comment
  1. Loudly. You tell him loudly. You said other people can see how uncomfortable you are? Publicly embarrass him the next time he acts creepy. And cut contact in the meantime—he’s no friend anymore. Heartache is no excuse to keep crossing boundaries.

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