Men who haven’t married or been in a committed relationship, why / why not?

  1. I haven’t found someone I vibe with, and I’m still working on myself before I try to find someone

  2. Last time I had the possibility of potentially being in a relationship, I was too scared to flirt back with her and ask her out, so that fizzled out. That was 3 years ago.

    Now, I haven’t engaged in any meaningful convos with women to get to the point of like asking for contact info.

  3. Cause the last person worth it died in 2011. Not against it, just still searchin

  4. Because I feel I am not emotionally mature enough to meet my own standards that I have for others to be in a relationship. While I would love to be in one right now, there would be more negatives than positives to it so there is no point to even try since I’ve already come to that conclusion.

  5. Honestly I feel very self conscious about my body and to a certain extend about my personality. Probably totally unnecessarily but the feeling’s there. I wouldn’t date myself tbh. Paired with not going out much anyway the chances of someone just walking in on my life are really slim 😀

  6. I’m very content being single and I have very high standards (comparatively) for a woman to be compelling and attractive to me (in terms of personality.) I’m not interested in flings and summer romances and only date with commitment in mind.

  7. I was in a committed relationship and I fucked it up. The emotional pain led me to make decisions that caused financial pain as well.

    It’s going to be a while before I trust myself in a relationship again. Also, it’s going to be tough to find someone worth starting over from square one with. I’ll get there, but I need to face my own demons first.

  8. The list of people willing to try that with me is very small or nonexistent. Technically did happen once (a relationship, for one year), but it was such a weird time in my life, and so long ago now, that it’s become irrelevant

  9. Cause I can’t seem to find someone who I’d be willing to commit to or who’d be willing to commit to me, I’m so tired of the dating scene so I’ve stopped looking and come to accept the loneliness.

  10. Never realized when someone’s been flirting with me and I’m not super social to begin with.

  11. I would love to get married but I’ve never met anyone who is interested or attracted to me.

  12. Most people in USA, England, Aus, etc are only interested in transactional relationships. I could never put my finger on why I avoided dating from 25 to 35ish but after figuring out what transactional love is I finely realised.

    I don’t care if I’m judged well or poorly on some weird person’s shallow scale, I just don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who looks at life that way.

    I learned that love isn’t actually an exchange, it’s something you give out of kindness and hapiness for yourself regardless of how much it costs you or what you get out of it.

    So with that in mind I’m just trying to be that kind of person so I can actually find others like that. I’m in my late 30s so the chances are diminishing but it’s better to take a long time to figure out the right way than to rush into something you know you don’t ultimately want.

  13. anxiety/lack of self-esteem, I was raised in an abusive home environment and was bullied a lot in jr high/highschool, it left a strong impression on me to stay in my own lane so I just never got up the courage to ask anyone out and as a result I’m 29 and almost completely lacking in relationship/sexual experience (had sex once, never been in a relationship)

  14. I’m really happy being single. I don’t have to compromise on anything and I don’t need to put in any work whatsoever. I can do whatever I want whenever I want it, and, even more importantly, I can choose to *not* do stuff I don’t want to do.

    Compare that to a relationship, which basically consists of compromises and work, there’s just no reason for me to pursue one.

  15. Most traumatized by my parents abusive argumentive marriage. Single is more quiet more peaceful less loud yelling and anger

  16. It feels like most women want me to be somebody I don’t want to be and I like me.

  17. Never had the chance. Too ugly, too far behind in life. Pretty much given up now, just running out the clock.

  18. My parents were married for 24 years.

    They fought constantly, rarely showed affection to other and had a very unhappy marriage. It was a terrible situation to grow up in.

    I didn’t want to be responsible for making someone else as miserable as my mom and dad were.

  19. I just never managed to succeed in that aspect of life. I’m still trying, though. I’m 32, so I still have time, but it’s getting tougher every year. I’m old enough that it is now usually considered suspicious that I haven’t been in a relationship before, which makes things more difficult because I’m not inclined to lie about it.

  20. I was raised in poverty and brought up with the belief ingrained that it is not moral to date while in less-than-suitable circumstances, essentially I should only date when my house is in order.

    Needless to say with that way of thinking being locked in my thought process, I can’t justify dating while im broke, long term sick & working 2 jobs. I’d have no time for my partner, not be able to treat her in the manner I want or provide some form of roof.

  21. I like freedom and not having someone around that gets angry at me whenever I’m myself. I don’t need to be changed, I don’t need to be tamed, and I don’t need to be trained, so if you don’t love me for me then just stop loving me altogether.

  22. Why would I? I like what I have now. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and live how I want.

  23. I ask myself “is her pussy worth my house?”

    If the answer is no, we don’t date. It’s really that simple, and that doesn’t even take statistics into account. Once those are taken into account, there aren’t many choices left.

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