So I (F) was working on my car with my friend (M), when we got a little side tracked. We ended up having sex in my garage. Only issue, we both had like wd-40, motor grease, oil, god knows what on our hands from hours of working on my car. Well I wasn’t thinking because I was horny and he fingered me and everything. He did also finish inside so like…do you think that is enough to…rinse it out? Am I about to get a HARD life-lesson dose of BV? I really don’t want to douche -~-

  1. Industrial lube, motor oil, etc, are not body safe. BV may be the least of your concerns. You may want to go to the doctor.

  2. You should absolutely talk to a doctor about this. Fortunately the actual amount of dirt and oil that got in you is pretty low and the vagina naturally cleans itself so there’s a good chance you’ll be ok

  3. Honestly, the only things that could possibly happen are infection, irritation, allergic reactions, maybe a few pre-cancerous lesions, …

    I know this sounds like a lot, but actually if you haven’t felt any pain or anything weird in your vagina, then you’ll be just fine. If you DO start to feel an irritation or something, then definitely go see a doctor. But in the meantime, rest at ease – and wash your hands before sex !

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